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Study on the impact of Reconnective Healing on Plants

and their DNA:


The study is aimed at examining what transpires when Reconnective Healing is applied to plants. Plant leaves were selected and matched for size and consistency. What is known is that when the leaves are separated from their source of life (stem or trunk) they die. When the leaves enter this death process, they really bleed - not blood or fluids - but light. Light leaves organisms that die. In this experiment, the couple's control leaf was left to die naturally. The other leaf of the couple was subject to different types of energy treatments.

We are complex beings. Dis-ease can begin in the mental and emotional levels before it manifests in our bodies or our lives. The vibrational frequencies of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions can cause ease or dis-ease in every area of our life. The lower vibrations of fear, jealousy, resentment, anger, shame, insecurity, despair, stress. or low self-esteem all weaken the body and affect every aspect of our lives. A lack of ease in our mind and heart can eventually become a downward spiral of lack of ease in our relationships, finances, careers, and eventually our physical health.

Stanford Professor Emeritus, Dr. William Tiller, says that when the information carried through the RH frequencies is introduced, it creates immediate coherence and order; in other words, optimal balance and harmony. So in the presence of these higher frequencies, our own energy field begins to resonate with these higher vibrations. Negative thoughts and behavior patterns, destructive belief systems, and physical manifestations of disease then have nothing left to support them and can simply fall away.



The leaf left to die naturally died in seven to ten days. The leaf treated with energy techniques continued to live for about 90 days - eight to ten times more then with Reiki, Qui Gong or Reconnective Healing treatments. But there was an interesting distinction: with Reiki, the recovery of the leaf began quickly and then waned with equal speed; with Qi Gong, it started more slowly but lasted longer. But when Reconnective Healing was used, it started faster and stayed MUCH longer helping to keep the leaf alive for up to 90 days.


Study of the impact of Reconnective Healing on human DNA:


The study was designed to establish the impact of Reconnective Healing on human DNA. In the experiment, the DNA was "shocked" with heat or electricity. It was already known that when it is stimulated in this way, DNA "unrolls". Using a spectrum-photometer, Rein subjected the DNA to be recovered to various forms of energy sessions: Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin and Reconnective Healing



With Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shi, the DNA has rewound more slowly than the established norm. With Reconnective Healing, it has rewound faster. Furthermore, on the DNA subjected to Reconnective Healing, there was clear evidence that this form of rebalancing actually corrected some inherent or pre-existing defects in the sample DNA. This confirms that Reconnective Healing is different and has a different impact on the DNA level of humans.

Study on Athletes undergoing Reconnective Healing:


A double-blind test was conducted on a group of 40 people consisting of Olympic athletes from both Russia and other nations. The athletes underwent measurements of their energy level before and after Reconnective Healing frequencies were administered. Different parameters were measured including, heart rate, heart rate, energy reserve, recovery rate and blood parameters.



The results showed that from the start all the participants had a rapid and positive effect. Half of those who underwent the Reconnective Healing sessions showed a significant increase in their energy level parameters and ten days later those improvements were statistically even more significant. Subsequent studies showed a reduction in blood pressure, an increase in the body's metabolic, immune, detoxifying and antioxidant activity, an improvement in cardiovascular functions as well as important and positive DNA modifications.

Dr. Korotkov says: “This highlights the long-lasting effect of Reconnective Healing and its importance for the well-being and preparation of athletes.


Study on people interacting with Reconnective Healing frequencies:


Reconnective Healing has been taught to a group of doctors, researchers, therapists and Olympic athletes in Russia. The study project involved a simple formation of only six hours and interaction with the Reconnective Healing frequencies over the course of two days. Parameters were measured for each participant before, during and after the experiment with the use of various methodologies, including the use of EPC devices, which are capable of measuring the bioenergetic field surrounding the person's body.



The effects of Reconnective Healing on athletes and their energy levels have been very significant according to Prof. Korotkov. Each of the athletes and test subjects experienced a significant increase in their energy levels with an average increase of over 22%. Athletes report that they could clearly feel the frequencies and the benefit they were experiencing in their body. An athlete who had recently reported an accident to one leg and who could only walk with the use of crutches, was able to get off the bed alone and to walk without the aid of the same already after only two sessions and feeling very little ache. His doctor was present during the experiment and X-rayed the athlete again and was surprised to see that the bone fracture had somehow become just a sprain.

Dr. Korotkov says: “Although I have extensive experience in the field of bio-energies, the results have been exceptional and very, very different from anything else I have ever witnessed.

Study on people diagnosed with movement restriction:


Studies conducted by Ann-Linda-Baldwin - Gary Schwartz, Ph.D
University of Arizona Laboratory of studies for the evolution of Consciousness and Health, Department of Psychology and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine.

Credentials of Ann-Linda-Baldwin, Ph.D: Professor of Physiology and Psychology at the University of Arizona. He holds a BA in Physics from the University of Bristol, UK, a Masters in Radiation Physics from the University of London and a PhD in Physiology from Imperial College of the University of London.


The study aimed to determine whether a 10-minute session of Reconnective Healing could increase the range of motion and the elevation of an arm in people diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder or other conditions limiting movement. This figure had been measured against a control group that had received physiotherapy treatments and other kinds of treatments.



The study indicates that a 10-minute Reconnective Healing session consistently improves the range of motion by an average of 26 degrees in people with limited shoulder mobility. The degree of improvement was much greater than that produced by physiotherapy. Reconnective Healing had also been shown to consistently reduce the pain reported by the participants as they regained their ability to raise their arms.

Studies conducted by William A. Tiller Ph.D

Credentials of Dr. William A. Tiller: Professor Emeritus of Stanford University, author of eight books, 250 scientific publications and protagonist of the documentary What The Bleep… !? Four of his books concern physioenergetic science.


Study on the Thermodynamic and Electromagnetic Energy of the environment during Reconnective Healing:

The study examined how the physical properties of a space or room change as a result of the "Frequencies" of Reconnective Healing referred to in that environment. The study was conducted and duplicated at the Reconnective Healing Courses in Sedona, Arizona in 2006, Los Angeles in 2007, Los Angeles in 2008 and Los Angeles in 2009. Using appropriate equipment and advanced equipment, Dr. Tiller measured the change energy inside the room before, during and after the seminars where people were actually using Reconnective Healing.



There was an incredible increase in excess thermodynamic energy within the room. By comparing the data with what would be seen if it were a normal energy measurement, the room temperature would have had to be increased by 300 degrees centigrade! But with Reconnective Healing, while the actual room temperature doesn't change, the amount of energy, light and information loads the room exactly as measured by Tiller. Tiller also noted that Entropy declines during Reconnective Healing, allowing for consistency to prevail. Entropy is the natural state of decay and decline proper to everything that is held together by a force, effort of attention and focus. Entropy causes aging, chaos, degradation and disease. So when entropy decreases (negative entropy), greater coherence and order are present. In this way coherence prevails and a new balance is then established in the body helping it to restore and rejuvenate.



“The data we have collected has been truly remarkable. First of all, we observed that when we started monitoring the room, which happened about five hours before anyone - including Eric, or his staff members or customers - ever entered the room, we measured a higher state of symmetry. Gauge compared to a normal situation. It was already an environment conditioned by what would be done later! So something is found to have happened before people even gathered in that space. That room had been somehow prepared in a way that made it easier for trainees to work with frequencies. Having continued to monitor that location, we measured that the energy increase after two days was enormous!

This change of energy allows normal humans to enter and exit a room with the ability to heal others and themselves regardless of their background and education. The frequencies of Reconnective Healing bring a healing far beyond that hitherto observed with other Energetic techniques, transcending the normal spectrum of energy, light and information. " “There are many energies involved in the Light. There is, of course, electromagnetic light, which everyone knows.

The grossest level of the human body is all about electromagnetic energy. So you can use light in the way it is used in energy medicine, especially on acupuncture points to systematically provide healing to the body. " “Or - continues Prof. Tiller - you can go to the higher level ... magnetoelectric energy. This too is in the form of light. And at all these higher dimensional levels there is a light which is the communication system between the aspects of matter at this level of Being. "

“So even when Eric or the other instructors talk about Reconnective Healing, many types of energy and light are flowing through the operator and the one who wants to heal. In other words, what we are talking about is something that goes far beyond the classic energy healing systems and is within a wider spectrum of energy, light and information. "


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